Solving IT cost optimization for a leading consumer finance bank - Ascendion

Solving IT cost optimization for a leading consumer finance bank

Ascendion March 8, 2024

Trapped by monolithic applications, our leading IT client faced sluggish business ability and hefty costs. On-premises infrastructure burdened them with 95% of applications and skyrocketing licensing fees. The urgent need? Modernization and automation for streamlined workflows and cost savings. This demanded a shift away from monolithic structures towards agility-boosting solutions and automation focused on boosting employee productivity.


Unlocking hidden value: Ascendion charts a path to cost savings and efficiency

Ascendion generated a value hypothesis across fit-shoring, process and technology debt reduction, cloud transformation, and hardware consolidation and elimination. Ascendion developed a unified application architecture, debt heatmaps across technologies and applications, cloud transformation and vendor consolidation opportunities roadmap.


The results:

  • 39% IT spend reduction over three years
  • 60% fit shoring opportunities identified
  • 26% debt reduction using automation and modernization
  • 8% reduction in licensing costs through cloud transformation

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