
Java full-stack developer goes from accounting books to coding hooks

Prepare to be inspired by Mark Rubio, the fresh-faced engineer making waves as a Java Full-Stack Developer at Ascendion. But there’s more to Mark than just his coding prowess. As a teenager, he lost himself in the enchanting world of dragons with Eragon, a fantasy novel that ignited his imagination. He’s buzzing with excitement over Christopher Paolini’s thrilling science fiction masterpiece, ‘To Sleep in the Sea of Stars.’ Mark’s journey to success was challenging; he tirelessly worked multiple part-time jobs while putting himself through college. Known for his unwavering kindness and unwavering commitment to his friends, Mark is the embodiment of hard work and dedication. Get ready to be inspired by his extraordinary story!

A hackathon opens the doors.

Hey there! I’m Mark, a trailblazer from vibrant Yuma, Arizona. Imagine this: fully immersed in Information Systems at Northern Arizona University, my path took a thrilling turn. Initially bound for accounting as my family wished, destiny had a surprise in store as I realized accounting wasn’t for me. A friend casually suggested exploring Information Systems, knowing my love for tech. Intrigued, I dived into introductory courses. Little did I know that moment transformed my life forever. Instantly, I found purpose and excitement in the world of computers, and there was no turning back.
I had an exhilarating experience at the Ascendion hackathon and came out on top! Ramesh Appat, the VP of Sales at Ascendion, found my app so impressive that I was offered a job on the spot. This app extracted text from images, specifically for analyzing and categorizing words and phrases using natural language processing and sentiment analysis to speed up KYC and increase favourability in banking and insurance. It was incredibly well received!. This marked the start of an exciting new chapter in my life!
Fast forward to the present, I’m diving deep into the world of full-stack web app development in a client-facing project. My long-term goal is to become a cybersecurity professional.

I had an exhilarating experience at the Ascendion hackathon and came out on top! Ramesh Appat, the VP of Sales at Ascendion, found my app so impressive that I was offered a job on the spot.

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Revolutionizing Application Modernization at Ascendion

At Ascendion, I’m working on an application modernization project for a large automotive client. The client sought to print government-mandated labels that provide additional information related to the car to the end user. The existing label printing process was difficult, time-consuming, and inaccurate, making the system error-prone. That’s why the client desperately needed to modernize its current application.
My job was to create a single unified web portal for different stakeholders with a modern user experience within the company. During this project, I worked on technologies like Angular, Spring Boot, Azure, and Apache Kafka.
As a Full-Stack Developer, I worked on the front-end, back-end, and everything in between.

I’m hooked on programming as it resembles an intriguing puzzle. I’m persistently driven to establish meaningful connections.

The best part? Seeing my creations come to life and relishing that sense of fulfillment.

Why Ascendion and I are a match

At Ascendion, I have witnessed challenges fuel our engineering passion, leading to immense satisfaction with every obstacle overcome. As an engineer, the company’s values align with my belief system. Being an ally to colleagues and clients resonates strongly with me, fostering a supportive environment where everyone is willing to lend a helping hand.
Collaboration and support are second nature, making even work calls moments of joy and camaraderie. Ascendion’s positive vibe creates an enjoyable atmosphere, making every day pleasurable.
Not to mention, the remote working policy has been a game-changer. With seamless global interactions and diverse talents from across the US, India, and beyond, I’ve found the perfect balance between work, family, and personal interests. Whether helping my brother with his newfound gardening passion or staying committed to my fitness regime, remote work empowers me to be productive and present no matter where I am.
Join Ascendion, where engineering meets empowerment, and challenges turn into triumphs!

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